Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ho. Ho. Ho.

Though the Hollidays are a lovely reminder of those we love and the many blessings that have been bestowed upon  us, it's also a tragic flashback for many to all the shit that this time of year holds.It doesn't surprise me in the least that this is the time of year for the hightest suiside rate. I can understand the mother that drives into the lake with her car full of kids (figuritively) and the dad that shoots his family then turns the gun on himself. 

There's is just too much pressure on the poor people who are trained through peer pressure, media, and in-laws to strive for this damn Christmas miracle. The kids are to blame as well, I'm not letting them off the hook by any means. Why do I have to get you a present again; and hey! Who are you? The ridiculous
 notion that I have to get co-workers gifts is beyond fathomable. I can't afford to purchase gifts for the people I really love, but I'm somehow behoove to get crap for someone I kind of like.(For th record, I love my co-workers, AND they know they aren't getting squat.)

When did the dollar amount become attached to how much I care about you? This is madness! What kind of person even sets those horse shit limits?  That's definitely how I know someone cares about me; how many little green pieces of paper they give to a giant corporation that pollutes the environment with unethical factory practices and child labor.I would be appalled if my sister had the sheer audacity to give me a heartfelt letter explaining what she enjoyed about the camping trip our families took together this year with a couple choice snapshots enclosed. THAT doesn't cost enough!

I have always liked the family that spends the money they'd blow on junk for others and just take the money and run. That's genius; a trip you'll all remember without the trappings of what's socially expected of you. 

The whole deal disgusts me when you throw all the religious garbage in the mix. Are you seriously trying to put guilt on unsuspecting holiday revelers by reminding them that "Jesus is the reason for the season"? Yeah, I bet Jesus is like, "Well, Dad would you look at the Johnsons? They are going straight to Heaven since they have that really bodacious pile of gifts under their fresh- cut tree." I'm sure Darfur isn't much of a concern at "this time of year" on the other side of the pearly gates.

It's not white corporate America running this machine is it? Nah, they have nothing to do with the fact that we never see any other culture celebrating in any other way than what is played 1000's of times a day on the t.v. After all we don't want to know what they have going on anyway; it's un-American whatever it is they do. If we haven't already stolen it from your culture in the past, then we want nothing to do with it now.

Here I sit trying to remain mellow as the two week date looms like impending death over my head. I have kids, who I know damn well don't deserve half the shit they'll be hauling in X-mas morn, family that I'd rather just take a rain check on dealing with,and work that seems to be expecting me to show up time and again with that smile permanently engaged, while I know there is no hope of a decent Christmas bonus waiting for me.

(I set up this pic., but it's still cool. It symbolizes my X-mas bonus.)

Don't misunderstand me and label me as some sort of Grinch/Scrooge; I'm into the holidays. It's everyone else-not me. Though that sounds preposterous it's true. Our house is decked out and cozy and just waiting for Santa to come nibble cookies, sip our wine, and leave us stockings stuffed with all the Chapstick and socks we can shake a stick at. We listen to carols on the radio and watch White Christmas. We bake homemade goodies and re-read the stories from when I was a little girl. I just have a hard time keeping the rest of the world at bay, sometimes.

Even in times like these when there is so much good we could be doing, and so many that could really use the extra help, we sit glued to our televisions. We're wrapped up in the major problems concerning a boring golf pro and his deviant tendencies toward cocktail waitresses and porn stars.  As close as I can tell, that just reeks of Holiday cheer in our country. 

(my Christmas card~ don't get any ideas)

I say we make an effort to ignore all the shit that is hard to ignore. Pay more attention to the one's that deserve the attention. If you've never given to the Angel Tree; do it. It's one of those feel good things that pretty much anyone can kick down the extra cash for. Don't get the person in your life that you HAVE to buy for a gift! Screw 'em! Put your hard earned cash where it can be felt, in the hearts of one's you'll never see, but you'll know come Christmas morn that you did something wonderful. That will wreak~ in the good way.

 (This is my weird elf ensemble...I'm not the only one that own's strange elves.)


Anonymous said...

Haaa. Love it. And the OJ pic? Priceless.

Miss Mud Returns (again) said...

I whole heartedly agree. That's why I don't do the stressful go see family thing anymore. And I try to get verbal confirmations from my friends that we are NOT exchanging gifts, lets go see a movie or have lunch instead.

Unknown said...

when are you going to tell us how you really feel? just kidding girl. i love to read your stuff, makes me feel like i have company in this mess of a world.

Something fishy is going on here...

Just sit back and relax, put your feet up, close your eyes-no, no not that- open your eyes, that's it, nice and slow, now open your mind: here we go.


About Me

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This is a fantastic picture of a fifth grade girl who is about to show her stuff to the gym full of high schoolers. And by stuff I mean the most incredible rendition of "Micky" ever known to an air band.