Careful girls, one day you may wake up and find that life has rushed past your youthful face, leaving deep ruts where there once was taut skin. The bouncing boobies have been replaced with push-up bras lifting up whats left of the old milkers. Why didn't anyone warn us about the 35-45 box that has to be checked from now on? I also do not recall any solid advice about the toll one night of cocktails can take on a person. Why with all the "self-discovery"?

Take the extra time to go out of your way and be nice. You don't have to get all weird here and fake, you know you have it in you- let it out! Nothing is more beautiful than a woman at any age just oozing with genuine kindness. Lets face it, in times where T.G.I.Fridays is going tits-up we could all use some grassroots, free compassionate gestures. It keeps you young and feels good all the way around.
As a whole, we all could use a bit more of the deep-breath action. God forbid, something horrible should happen to any of us tomorrow, (insert your own worst fear here); we simply must live for today. Keep it simple. Straigthen up and fly right. Remember what it was like to live in the simpler days of our own childhood. We may not look like one on the outside, but we sure keep her in there, with all the other stuff inside that no one can take away. Smile to yourself and remember something fun about being a kid. Now recreate it. Dress-up anyone? And if you have little one's, I don't care how big your ass is, get it down on the floor and get to making some kick-
butt make believe, already!
I'm not 11 anymore-still love an ice cream cone!
We aren't getting any younger, but wow, we are getting smarter! I remember someone telling me that looks fade quickly and that an exceptional personality would far outweigh passing beauty. That's pleasing to me to know that there's always room for improvement for all of us to expand the ever-growing internal charm.
Bellies that scream for a tummy-tuck be damned! Greying roots can be ignored under a bandanna, and split-ends; please. Laughing with my friends, even if we don't get together nearly often as we should, far outweighs anything that damn bathroom scale keeps lying about!
I believe I just bought us all a round of deep breaths in this photo!